Friday, November 18, 2011

Super proud!

Woot Woot! 6-8 Nationals Good Luck and get your deer meat tomorrow!! We are so proud to be part of this team!! Thank you Coaches and Team Moms and Parents!! (families, siblings for all your support!)

Super Bowl Rules

Attached is the official guide from Mid-Maryland :

Pics for Blog Site

I'm looking for pics & videos (individual, games, coaches, anything to do with our team this season) to scroll across the top of the blog pages.  You can upload them directly at:


TailGate for Saturday

We may want to think about coordinating our tailgate with 8-10N.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Friday's Practice

Practice will be at my house tomorrow from 5:30 to 7:30. Pleas have the kids here on time as we have three films to watch and breakdown.

Coach Paul will be providing Pizza for the kids. If someone can please grab some paper plates and napkins, I would appreciate it.


Monday, November 14, 2011


Hi Everyone,
Decided to create this blog to help us all communicate more effectively regarding our team info, practices, volunteers, etc.. Especially for Coach Zakee...hard to keep up with all the emails coach!!

Please feel free to comment, add items, as you wish.  Working on getting past game video's working from links....also, don't forget to "join" so that you know when Coach Zakee post items
